Geophysical maintenance of hydrogeological survey in Peru, 2012
West Coast of the continent, near-shore zone. Area of rock withdrawal from intermountain trough.
Survey procedure:
- Method TDEM,
- equipment Tsikl 7
- Coaxial sounding configuration: 50х50 m transmitter loop, receiver of 2 500 sq.m moment.
- 200 m spacing along line.
- Peak current in transmitter loop – 17 А
Fig.2. A geoelectric section along Line 18-32 resulted from field observations interpreted by PODBOR program
Fig.3. A geoelectric section along Line 33-50 resulted from field observations interpreted by PODBOR program.
Taking into account both well data and the SECOND layer resistivity, one would expect this layer is a source of fresh water, which was borne out by subsequent drilling data. Underlying deposits of low resistivity are argillaceous and serve as an aquiclude